June 30, 2010 |
08:30 - 08:40 |
Opening remarks
08:40-10:40 |
Exchange Rates
International and Intra-national Real Exchange Rates: Theory and Evidence by Michael Devereux (UBC and NBER) and Viktoria Hnatkovska (UBC)
A Macro-Finance Approach to Exchange Rate Determination by Yu-chin Chen (U of Washington) and Kwok Ping Tsang (Virginia Tech)
Discussant: Qing Liu (Tsinghua University)
10:40 - 11:00 |
Coffee/tea break
11:00 |
Keynote Speech
Kenneth West (Univ of Wisconsin, Madison and NBER): Exchange Rate Economics
12:10 - 13:30 |
13:45 – 15:45 |
Current Account Adjustments
Labor Market Rigidity, Goods Trade, and Current Account Adjustment by Jiandong Ju (Tsinghua Univ and Univ of Oklahoma), Kang Shi (CUHK), and Shang-Jin Wei (Columbia Univ, Tsinghua Univ and NBER)
The Consequences of Current Account Reversals by Abdul Abiad, Daniel Leigh and Marco E. Terrones (all International Monetary Fund)
Discussant: Jon Steinsson (Columbia University and NBER)
15:45 – 16:15 |
16:15 -18:15 |
Cross-national Interdependence
Understanding the Effect of Productivity Changes on International Relative Prices: the Role of News Shocks by Deokwoo Nam (CUHK) and Jian Wang (Dallas Fed)
Asia’s Business Cycles by Carol Wei Liao (HKIMR) and Dong He (HKMA and HKIMR)
Discussant: Akiko Tarada-Hagiwara (Asian Development Bank)
19:00 |
July 1, 2010 |
08:30 – 09:15 |
Optional Walk on Tsinghua Campus
09:15 – 09:30 |
Coffee/tea Break
09:30 - 11:30 |
Foreign Exchange Reserves and Real Exchange Rates
A Tractable Model of Precautionary Reserves, Net Foreign Assets, or Sovereign Wealth Funds by Christopher D. Carroll (Johns Hopkins University and NBER) and Olivier Jeanne (Johns Hopkins University and NBER)
Goods Market Frictions and Real Exchange Rate Puzzles by Qing Liu (Tsinghua University)
Discussant: Viktoria Hnatkovska (UBC)
12:00 - 13:15 |
13:30 – 15:00 |
Crises and Recoveries in an Empirical Model of Consumption Disasters by Emi Nakamura (Columbia Univ and NBER), Jon Steinsson (Columbia and NBER), Robert Barro (Harvard University and NBER), Jose Ursua (Harvard University)
Discussant: Kang Shi (CUHK)
15:00 – 15:20 |
Coffee/tea Break
15:20 – 17:20 |
International Financial Market
International Commodity Price Shocks, Democracy, and External Debt by Rabah Arezki (IMF) and Markus Bruckner (Pompeu Fabra)
From Sovereign to Corporate Default Risks: Evidence from CDS Spreads around the World by Jennie Bai (NY Fed) and Shang-Jin Wei (Columbia University, Tsinghua Univ and NBER)
Discussant: TBA
19:00 |
July 2, 2010 |
08:30 - 10:30 |
International Trade and Crisis
How Do Different Exporters React to Exchange Rate Changes? Theory, Empirics, and Aggregate Implications
by Nicolas Berman (Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies), Philippe Martin*, (Sciences Po, Paris and CEPR), Thierry Mayer (Sciences Po, Paris, CEPII and CEPR)
Trade and the Global Recession by Jonathan Eaton (Penn State and NBER), Sam Kortum (U of Chicago and NBER), Brent Neiman (U of Chicago and NBER), and John Romalis (U of Chicago and NBER)
Discussant: Jenny Xu (HKUST)
10:30 – 10:50 |
Coffee/tea break
10:50 – 12:15 |
Policy Panel: The Chinese Currency in the World Economy
Jong-Wha Lee (Chief Economist, ADB): “Will the RMB Become an International Reserve
He Dong (Chief Economist, HKMA): “The Internationalization of the RMB”
Yingyi Qian (Dean and Professor, Tsinghua University, and UC Berkeley)
Official from the Chinese government
12:30-13:30 |
13:45 |
Leave for the Great Wall (Simatai Section)