OP No.10 2018
Sectoral Shifts and Growth Patterns in China
by Juan Carlos Martinez Oliva
OP No.9 2014
China’s Road to Financial Opening: A Perspective of Chinese Individual Outward Investments and the Role of Hong Kong (Chinese Version)
OP No.8 2012
Saving and External Imbalances in China
OP No.7 2011
by 李波, 王佐罡 and 席鈺
OP No.6 2011
在國家金融開放和金融安全總體戰略下 推進粵港金融合作 「先行先試」 專題研究
by 馮邦彥
OP No.5 2009
Leverage, Securitization and Global Imbalances
by Hyun Song Shin
OP No.4 2007
Central Banks and Capital Flows
by Stephen Grenville
OP No.3 2006
A Tale of Two Markets: Bond Market Development in East Asia and Latin America
by Barry Eichengreen, Eduardo Borensztein and Ugo Panizza
OP No.2 2005
Asian Monetary Union - Where Do We Go from Here?
OP No.1 2004
Inflation Targeting in Asia
by Takatoshi Ito and Tomoko Hayashi