Fellows of the Hong Kong Academy of Finance (AoF) are distinguished leaders in the field of finance who have made outstanding contributions to Hong Kong. Fellows are expected to support the AoF’s activities and may be invited to speak and share their valuable insights in different AoF events.

Laura Cha - grey suit

The Hon Mrs Laura CHA SHIH May-Lung, GBM, GBS, JP

Senior Advisor

Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited


Dr Norman T.L. CHAN, GBS

Senior Adviser

Hong Kong Academy of Finance


Prof Edward K Y CHEN, GBS, JP

Honorary Professor

HKU Business School

Dr the Hon Moses CHENG Mo-Chi, GBM, GBS, JP

Non-official Member of the Executive Council

Dr the Hon Victor FUNG Kwok-King, GBM, GBS


Fung Group

Prof Lawrence Juen-yee LAU, GBS, JP

Ralph and Claire Landau Professor of Economics

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Dr the Hon David LI Kwok-Po, GBM, GBS, JP

Executive Chairman

The Bank of East Asia, Limited

Dr Anthony NEOH, QC, SC, JP

Mr Carlson TONG, GBS, JP


Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited

Dr Edmund TSE Sze-Wing, GBS

Non-executive Chairman

AIA Group Limited


Dr David Y.K. WONG, GBS, JP


Education Commission

Mr Peter T S WONG, GBS, JP

Non-executive Chairman

The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited

The Hon Joseph YAM Chi-Kwong, GBM, GBS, JP

Non-official Member of the Executive Council

Last revision date: 1 July 2023