Early Post-war Retail Price Index

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Name Type Unit Of Measure Description
Rpi_qtr Date Year 
Rpi_epwgenrpi_q Number General Retail Price Index 
Rpi_epwfood_q Number Food 
Rpi_epwrent_q Number Rent 
Rpi_epwclo_q Number Clothing 
Rpi_epwfuel_q Number Fuel 
Rpi_epwelec_q Number Electric Light 
Rpi_epwcln_q Number Cleaning 
Rpi_epwedn_q Number Education 
Rpi_epwtob_q Number Tobacco and Cigarettes 
Rpi_epwdm_q Number Doctors and Medicines 
Rpi_epwfare_q Number Fares 
Rpi_epwhou_q Number Household Equipment 
Rpi_epwhair_q Number Hair Dressing 
Rpi_epwnews_q Number Newspapers and Stationery 
Rpi_epwshoer_q Number Shoe Repairs 
Rpi_epwrates_q Number Rates 
Early Post-war Retail Price Index
Period: 1947Q1-1949Q4
Base: January/March 1939=100
Q1: Jan.-March
Q2: April-June
Q3: July-Sept.
Q4: Oct.-Dec.
Source: The Far Eastern Economic Review, 1950, Vol. 8, p.271.
The data are from government announcements/publications. 
Note: Quarterly data cover 1947Q1--1949Q4. Except for 1947Q1 that measures the period-average, all the data for other quarters measure the last month of a quarter, i.e. Q1 is measured by March, Q2 by June, Q3 by September, Q4 by December.
The figures were calcuated after the surveys on household expenditure patterns had been conducted at the end of the months of each quarters in 1947,-48, and -49.
The target community is Chinese and Portuguese clerical and skilled technical workers.
They were believed to represent the middle class in those years.
Javascript Example
url: 'https://api.hkma.gov.hk/public/hkimr/early-post-war-rpi?offset=0',
alert('results found:'+ data.result.datasize)
Python Example
import urllib.request
url = 'https://api.hkma.gov.hk/public/hkimr/early-post-war-rpi?offset=0'
with urllib.request.urlopen (url) as req:
print (req.read())