Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research (HKIMR)
HKMA 20th Anniversary Research Workshop
07 June 2013 (Friday)
Harbour Room, 56/F, Two International Finance Centre, 8 Finance Street, Central
9:00am |
Welcoming Remarks
9:05am - 10:35am |
Recent Performance of the Hong Kong Dollar Foreign Exchange Market and the Linked Exchange Rate System
Cho-hoi Hui and Tom Fong (Hong Kong Monetary Authority)
Discussant: David Cook (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Current Account Deterioration in Hong Kong: An Emerging Sign of Macroeconomic Vulnerability?
Lillian Cheung, Raymond Yuen, and Simon Chan (Hong Kong Monetary Authority)
Discussant: Yin-Wong Cheung (City University of Hong Kong)
10:35am - 11:00am |
Coffee break
11:00am - 12:30pm |
Transmitting Global Liquidity to East Asia: Dollar Credit in Mainland China and Hong Kong
Dong He (Hong Kong Monetary Authority) and Robert N McCauley (Bank for International Settlements)
Discussant: Jonathan Batten (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Rising Mainland Exposure of Hong Kong Banks: Finding the Optimum Level and Assessing the Systemic Risk
David Leung, Tom Fong, Jim Wong and Kelvin Ho (Hong Kong Monetary Authority)
Discussant: Charles Leung (City University of Hong Kong)
12:30pm - 13:30pm |
13:30pm - 15:00pm |
Rental Adjustment and Housing Prices: Evidence from Hong Kong
Honglin Wang (Hong Kong Monetary Authority), Chu Zhang (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) and Weihang Dai (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Discussant: Yinggang Zhou (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
The Demand for and Supply of Mortgage Loans in Hong Kong: The Role of Loan-to-Value Ratio Policy
Eric Wong, Andrew Tsang and Steven Kong (Hong Kong Monetary Authority)
Discussant: Ilhyock Shim (Bank for International Settlements)
15:00pm - 15:30pm |
Coffee break
15:30pm - 16:15pm |
The Development of the RMB Market in Hong Kong : Assessing Onshore-Offshore Market Integration
Sean R Craig, Changchun Hua (International Monetary Fund), Philip Ng and Raymond Yuen (Hong Kong Monetary Authority)
Discussant: Cho-hoi Hui (Hong Kong Monetary Authority)
16:15pm - 17:30pm |
Panel Discussion: The Implications of Capital Account Liberalisation in Mainland China for Hong Kong as an International Financial Centre
Moderator : Dong He (Hong Kong Monetary Authority)
Panellists :
Julia Leung (Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau)
Andre Meier (International Monetary Fund)
Eddie Yue (Hong Kong Monetary Authority)