WP No. 20/2020
What Drives Dollar Funding Stress in Distress?
by Tang Yuewen and Wong Alfred 
(Forthcoming in the International Journal of Central Banking)
WP No. 19/2020
Jumpstarting an International Currency
by Saleem Bahaj and Ricardo Reis
WP No. 18/2020
 Foreign exchange dynamics and reserve accumulation under capital flows
by Cho-Hoi Hui and Chi-Fai Lo
WP No. 17/2020
Monetary Policy Uncertainty in China
by Hongyi Chen and Peter Tillmann
(Published in Journal of International Money and Finance, Volume 110, October 2020, Article 102309)
WP No. 16/2020
Can Human Capital and Asset Management Improve the Financial Performance of Older Age Groups? Evidence from Europe
by Isaac Ehrlich and Jong Kook Shin
WP No. 15/2020
Multiple Monetary Policy Instruments, Foreign Exchange Intervention, and Exchange Rate in China
WP No. 14/2020
Diversification, efficiency and risk of banks: New consolidating evidence from emerging economies
by Bang Nam Jeon, Ji Wu, Limei Chen and Minghua Chen
(Published in Emerging Markets Review, Volume 45, December 2020, 100720)
WP No. 13/2020
Optimal credit, monetary, and fiscal policy under occasional financial frictions and the zero lower bound
by Shifu Jiang
(Published in International Journal of Central Banking, March 2022, Article 4)
WP No. 12/2020
Crude oil price dynamics with crash risk under fundamental shocks
by Cho-Hoi Hui, Chi-Fai Lo, Chi-Hin Cheung and Andrew Wong
(Published in the North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Volume 54, November 2020, 101238)
WP No. 11/2020
Aggregate and Bank-specific Information in Bank Stress Tests
by Mei Li
WP No. 10/2020
Mispricing Firm-level Productivity
by Ang Tze Chuan ‘chewie’, Lam Eric and Wei K. C. John
(Forthcoming in the Journal of Empirical Finance Volume 58, September 2020, Pages 139-163)
WP No. 09/2020
The economics of the greenium: How much is the world willing to pay to save the Earth?
by Lau Peter, Sze Angela, Wan Wilson, and Wong Alfred
(Published in Environmental and Resource Economics, Volume 81, Issue 2, January 2022, Pages 379-408)
WP No. 08/2020
The Impact of Fintech Innovations on the Hong Kong Banking Industry
by Jim Wong and Kelvin Ho
WP No. 07/2020
International Payment Flows and the Potential of the RMB as a Significant Payment Currency
by Edwin L.C. Lai
WP No. 06/2020
The Effect of Government Reference Bonds on Corporate Borrowing Costs: Evidence from a Natural Experiment
by Mark J. Flannery, Claire Yurong Hong, and Baolian Wang
(Accepted by Management Science)
WP No. 05/2020
The Cost of Bank Regulatory Capital
by Matthew Plosser and Joao Santos
WP No. 04/2020
Oceans Apart?  China and Other Systemically Important Economies
(Published in Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2023, VOL. 59, NO. 5, 1349–1371)
WP No. 03/2020
Impacts of benchmark-driven investment on volatility and connectivity of emerging market capital flows
by Peter Lau, Angela Sze and Alfred Wong
WP No. 02/2020
Risk and Return of Online Channel Adoption in the Banking Industry
by Dongwei He, Chun-Yu Ho and Li Xu
(Published in Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, Volume 60, April, 101268)
WP No. 01/2020
Funding Decisions in Online Marketplace Lending