AoF-HKIMR-IMF Seminar on “Discussion of Global Economic Issues”

13 May 2024


The AoF, HKIMR and the IMF Resident Representative Office in Hong Kong SAR jointly hosted a seminar on “Discussion of Global Economic Issues” on 13 May 2024, following the release of the IMF’s World Economic Outlook Report (WEO).

Hongyi Chen, Senior Adviser of the HKIMR, welcomed the IMF team and started the seminar. Rui Mano, Deputy Division Chief in the Research Department of IMF presented the analysis from the WEO on the effects of monetary policy through housing markets; followed by Diaa Noureldin, Economist in the Research Department of IMF, who presented the analysis on the slowdown in global medium-term growth and policy recommendations. Afterwards, Phakawa Jeasakul, the Resident Representative in Hong Kong SAR of IMF moderated a panel discussion session with the two presenters, Johanna Chua, Managing Director and Global Head of Emerging Market Economics of Citigroup and Li Cui, Managing Director, Chief Economist and Head of Macro Research of CCB International. Panelists discussed the most recent developments of the global economy.

The seminar was attended by around 60 participants.

IMG_2857 Hongyi Chen, Senior Adviser of the HKIMR

IMG_2681 Rui Mano, Deputy Division Chief in the Research Department of the IMF

IMG_2761 Diaa Noureldin, Economist in the Research Department of the IMF

IMG_3133 (from left to right)
Diaa Noureldin, Economist in Research Department of the IMF
Rui Mano, Deputy Division Chief in Research Department of the IMF
Johanna Chua, Managing Director and Global Head of Emerging Market Economics of the Citigroup
Li Cui, Managing Director, Chief Economist and Head of Macro Research of the CCB International
Phakawa Jeasakul, the Resident Representative in Hong Kong SAR of the IMF

Last revision date: 13 May 2024