WP No.32 / 2014
Shadow Banking and Bank Capital Regulation
(Published in the Review of Financial Studies, Volume 28, Issue 1, January 2015, Pages 146-175)
WP No.31 / 2014
Betting the House
by Òscar Jordà, Moritz SCHULARICK (Research Fellow) and Alan M. Taylor
(Published in Journal of International Economics, Volume 96, Supplement 1, July 2015, Pages S2-S18)
WP No.30 / 2014
Performance Analysis of Liquidity Indicators as Early Warning Signals
by Chung-hua SHEN (Research Fellow) and Ting-Hsuan Chen
WP No.29 / 2014
Credit Booms, Banking Crises, and the Current Account
by Scott DAVIS (Research Fellow), Adrienne Mack, Wesley Phoa and Anne Vandenabeele
WP No.28 / 2014
The Macroeconomic Effects of Debt- and Equity-Based Capital Inflows
WP No.27 / 2014
The Local Government Crisis 2007-2014: When China’s Financial Management Faltered
WP No.26 / 2014
China’s Banking: How Reforms Lost Momentum
WP No.25 / 2014
The Great Mortgaging: Housing Finance, Crises, and Business Cycles
by Òscar Jordà, Moritz SCHULARICK (Research Fellow) and Alan M. Taylor
WP No.24 / 2014
Network Effects in Currency Internationalisation: Insights from BIS Triennial Surveys and Implications for the Renminbi
by Dong He and Xiangrong Yu
WP No.23 / 2014
Financial Crisis, Unconventional Monetary Policy and International Spillovers
by Qianying Chen, Andrew Filardo, Dong He and Feng Zhu
WP No.22 / 2014
Chinese Shadow Banking: Bank-Centric Misperceptions
by Tri Vi DANG (Research Fellow), Honglin Wang and Aidan Yao
WP No.21 / 2014
Implications of Liquidity Management of Global Banks for Host Countries — Evidence from Foreign Bank Branches in Hong Kong
by Eric Wong, Andrew Tsang and Steven Kong
WP No.20 / 2014
Debt Deleveraging and the Zero Bound: Potentially Perverse Effects of Real Exchange Rate Movements
by Paul Luk and David Vines
WP No.19 / 2014
Assessing the Effectiveness of Date-Based Forward Guidance at the Zero Lower Bound with a Non-Gaussian Affine Term-Structure Model
by Tsz-Kin Chung, Cho-Hoi Hui and Ka-Fai Li
WP No.18 / 2014
Unconventional Monetary Policy Shocks and the Spillovers to Emerging Markets
WP No.17 / 2014
Debt Markets in Emerging Economies: Major Trends
(Published in Comparative Economic Studies (2014), 56: 200-228)
WP No.16 / 2014
Does Bank Monitoring Matter to Bondholders?
WP No.15 / 2014
Hong Kong’s Growth Synchronisation with China and the U.S.: A Trend and Cycle Analysis
by Dong He, Wei Liao and Tommy Wu
(Published in Journal of Asian Economics, Volume 40, pages 10-28, October 2015 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.asieco.2015.08.003)
WP No.14 / 2014
The Dragon is Flying West: Micro-Level Evidence of Chinese Outward Direct Investment
by Wenjie Chen and Heiwai TANG (Research Fellow)
(Published in Asian Development Review, Volume 31, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 109-140. Full text is available from the authors upon request.)
WP No.13 / 2014
Interactions between CNY and CNH Money and Forward Exchange Markets
by David Leung and John Fu
WP No.12 / 2014
Sovereign Credit Ratings, Transparency and International Portfolio Flows
WP No.11 / 2014
How Strong are the Linkages between Real Estate and Other Sectors in China?
by Wenlang Zhang, Gaofeng Han and Steven Chan
(Published in Research in International Business and Finance, Volume 36, January 2016, Pages 52-72)
WP No.10 / 2014
One Currency, Two Markets: The Renminbi’s Growing Influence in Asia-Pacific
by Chang Shu, Dong He and Xiaoqiang Cheng
WP No.09 / 2014
Optimal Exchange Rate Policy in a Growing Semi-Open Economy
by Philippe BACCHETTA (Research Fellow), Kenza Benhima and Yannick Kalantzis
WP No.08 / 2014
Invoicing Currency in International Trade: An Empirical Investigation and Some Implications for the Renminbi
by Edwin LAI (Research Fellow) and Xiangrong Yu
(Published in The World Economy, 38(1): 193–229, January 2015)
WP No.07 / 2014
The anatomy of sovereign risk contagion
by Magdalena Erdem, Elena Kalotychou, Eli Remolona and Eliza WU (Research Fellow)
(Published in Journal of International Money and Finance, Volume 69, Issue C, 2016, Pages 264-286)
WP No.06 / 2014
Switching Cost and Deposit Demand in China
(Published in International Economic Review, Volume 56, Issue 3, August 2015, Pages 723-749)
WP No.05 / 2014
Finding Stability in a Time of Crisis: Lessons of East Asia for Eastern Europe
WP No.04 / 2014
Interest Rate Determination in China: Past, Present, and Future
by Dong He, Honglin Wang and Xiangrong Yu
WP No.03 / 2014
How Does Loan-To-Value Policy Strengthen Banks’ Resilience to Property Price Shocks – Evidence from Hong Kong
by Eric Wong, Andrew Tsang and Steven Kong
(Published in International Real Estate Review, Vol.19(1), (Spring 2016), pages 121-150.)
WP No.02 / 2014
Multiproduct Firms, Export Product Scope, and Trade Liberalization: The Role of Managerial Efficiency
WP No.01 / 2014
The Role of Foreign Banks in Monetary Policy Transmission: Evidence from Asia during the Crisis of 2008-9
(Published in Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 2014, 29: 96-120)