WP No.31 / 2010
Why are Saving Rates so High in China?
by Dennis Tao Yang (Research Fellow), Junsen Zhang and Shaojie Zhou
WP No.30 / 2010
A Target-Zone Model with Two Types of Assets
by Yue MA (Research Fellow), Shu-ki TSANG (Research Fellow), Matthew S. Yiu and Wai-Yip Alex
WP No.29 / 2010
What Does the Yield Curve Tell Us about Exchange Rate Predictability?
(Published in Review of Economics and Statistic, March 2013, Vol. 95, No. 1, Pages 185-205)
WP No.28 / 2010
Self-Fulfilling Risk Panics
WP No.27 / 2010
Home Bias in Currency Forecasts
WP No.26 / 2010
Liquidity Crunch in Late 2008: High-Frequency Differentials between Forward-Implied Funding Costs and Money Market Rates
by Matthew S. Yiu, Joseph FUNG (Research Fellow), Lu Jin and Wai-Yip Alex Ho
WP No.25 / 2010
The Risk of Sudden Depreciation of the Euro in the Sovereign Debt Crisis of 2009-2010
by Cho-Hoi Hui and Tsz-Kin Chung
(Published in the Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 35, (2011), pp. 2945–2955. The new title is "Crash Risk of the Euro in the Sovereign Debt Crisis of 2009-2010")
WP No.24 / 2010
Measuring Renminbi Misalignment: Where Do We Stand?
by Yin-Wong CHEUNG (Research Fellow), Cheung, Menzie D. Chinn and Eiji Fujii
(Published in Korea and the World Economy, Vol. 11, No. 2 (August 2010), 263-296)
WP No.23 / 2010
Housing Investment: What Makes It so Volatile? Theory and Evidence from OECD Countries
by Quoc Hung Nguyen
(Published in Journal of Housing Economics, Volume 22, Issue 3, September 2013, Pages 163–178)
WP No.22 / 2010
Domestic Institutions and the Bypass Effect of Financial Globalization
(Published in American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2(4), 2010: 173–204)
WP No.21 / 2010
Accumulation of Reserves and Keeping Up with the Joneses: The Case of LATAM Economies
by Yin-Wong CHEUNG (Research Fellow) and Rajeswari Sengupta
(Published in International Review of Economics & Finance, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 23 July 2010)
WP No.20 / 2010
Human Capital, Endogenous Information Acquisition, and Home Bias in Financial Markets
by Isaac EHRLICH (Research Fellow), Jong Kook Shin and Yong Yin
WP No.19 / 2010
What are the Sources of Financing of the Chinese Firms?
WP No.18 / 2010
What Effect Has Bond Market Development in Emerging Asia Had on the Issuance of Corporate Bonds?
(Published in Oxford Economic Papers, 66, 227-253 January 2014)
WP No.17 / 2010
The Composition Matters: Capital Inflows and Liquidity Crunch during a Global Economic Crisis
(Published in Review of Financial Studies, Advance Access, 26 September, 2010)
WP No.16 / 2010
Renminbising China’s Foreign Assets
by Yin-Wong CHEUNG (Research Fellow), Guonan Ma and Robert N. McCauley
(Published in Journal of Shandong University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), Volume 1, 2010)
WP No.15 / 2010
Market Liquidity and Funding Liquidity: An Empirical Investigation
WP No.14 / 2010
Where to Find Positive Productivity Spillovers from FDI in China: Disaggregated Analysis
by Galina Borisova HALE (Research Fellow), Cheryl Long and Hirotaka Miura
WP No.13 / 2010
Leverage Constraints and the International Transmission of Shocks
WP No.12 / 2010
Do Derivative Markets Contain Useful Information for Signaling “Hot Money” Flows?
(Accepted for publication in the Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies)
WP No.11 / 2010
What Drives China's Current Account?
(Published in Journal of International Money and Finance, 2013, 32, 856–883)
WP No.10 / 2010
Vertical Trade and China's Export Dynamics
by Wei Liao, Kang SHI (Research Fellow) and Zhiwei Zhang
(Published in China Economic Review, Volume 23, Issue 4, December 2012, Pages 763–775.)
WP No.09 / 2010
The Role of Human Capital in Imperfectly Informed International Financial Markets
by Isaac EHRLICH (Research Fellow) and Jong Kook Shin
(Published in American Economic Review, Volume 100, Issue 2, May 2010, Pages: 244–249)
WP No.08 / 2010
Micro, Macro, and Strategic Forces in International Trade Invoicing
by Linda S. Goldberg and Cedric TILLE (Research Fellow)
WP No.07 / 2010
Gravity in International Finance
WP No.06 / 2010
Capital Flight: China’s Experience
by Yin-Wong CHEUNG (Research Fellow) and XingWang Qian
(Published in Review of Development Economics, Volume 14, Issue 2, May 2010, Pages: 227–247)
WP No.05 / 2010
The Determinants of Vertical Integration in Export Processing: Theory and Evidence from China
by Ana Fernandes and Heiwai TANG (Research Fellow)
(Published in Journal of Development Economics, 99(2), Nov 2012, pp. 396–414)
WP No.04 / 2010
Monetary Policy and Trade Globalization
by Dudley Cooke
WP No.03 / 2010
The Role of Bond Finance in Firms’ Survival During the Asian Crisis
by Marina-Eliza Spaliara and Serafeim Tsoukas (Postdoctoral Fellow)
WP No.02 / 2010
Information Content of Order Flow and Cross-market Portfolio Rebalancing: Evidence for the Chinese Stock, Treasury and Corporate Bond Markets
by Eric GIRARDIN (Research Fellow), Dijun Tan and Woon K. Wong
WP No.01 / 2010
The Global Crisis: Why Laisser-faire Hong Kong Prefers Regulation