WP No.41 / 2011 |
The Effect of Capital Flow Management Measures in Five Asian Economies on the Foreign Exchange Market
by Matthew S. Yiu
WP No.40 / 2011 |
Information Flow between Sovereign CDS and Dollar-Yen Currency Option Markets in the Sovereign Debt Crisis of 2009-2011
by Cho-Hoi Hui and Tom Fong
(Published in International Review of Economics and Finance, Vol. 40, (2015), pp. 174–190, with a new title "Price cointegration between sovereign CDS and currency option markets in the financial crises of 2007-2013")
WP No.39 / 2011 |
Exchange Rates and the Margins of Trade: Evidence from Chinese Exporters
(Published in CESIfo Economic Studies, 58(4), Dec, 2012, pp. 671-702.)
WP No.38 / 2011 |
The Great Retrenchment: International Capital Flows During the Global Financial Crisis
WP No.37 / 2011 |
Love Thy Neighbor: Income Distribution and Housing Preferences
(Published in Journal of Housing Economics, Volume 21, Issue 4, December 2012, Pages 322-335)
WP No.36 / 2011 |
Exchange Rate Dynamics Under Alternative Optimal Interest Rate Rules
(Published in Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, Volume 20, Issue 1, January 2012, Pages 122–150)
WP No.35 / 2011 |
Preference Relativity, Ambiguity and Social Welfare Evaluation
WP No.34 / 2011 |
The Cross-Section of Country News, Decoupling Expectations, and Global Business Cycles
WP No.33 / 2011 |
Explaining Share Price Disparity with Parameter Uncertainty: Evidence from Chinese A- and H-Shares
by Tsz-Kin CHUNG, Ka-Fai LI and Cho-Hoi HUI
(Published in the Journal of Banking and Finace, Vol. 37, (2013), pp. 1073–1083.)
WP No.32 / 2011 |
Geopolitics, Global Patterns of Oil Trade, and China’s Oil Security Quest
WP No.31 / 2011 |
Give Credit where Credit is Due: Tracing Value Added in Global Production Chains
WP No.30 / 2011 |
Sectoral Labor Adjustment and Monetary Policy in a Small Open Economy
(Published in the Journal of Macroeconomics, Volume 33, Issue 4, December 2011, Pages 634–643)
WP No.29 / 2011 |
Equity Prices and Equity Flows: Testing Theory of the Information-Efficiency Tradeoff
WP No.28 / 2011 |
Anchoring and Loss Aversion in the Housing Market: Implications on Price Dynamics
WP No.27 / 2011 |
The Real Exchange Rate, Real Interest Rates, and the Risk Premium
WP No.26 / 2011 |
The Implementation of Monetary Policy in China: The Interbank Market and Bank Lending
(Revised version is published in International Finance Review (2013), Vol 14, pp.31-69.)
WP No.25 / 2011 |
Inflation Targeting and Inflation Persistence in Asia-Pacific
WP No.24 / 2011 |
Can Securitization Work? Economic, Structural and Policy Considerations
WP No.23 / 2011 |
Enter the Dragon: Interactions between Chinese, US and Asia-Pacific Equity Markets, 1995-2010
(Published in the Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, Volume 20, Issue 3, June 2012, Pages 521–541)
WP No.22 / 2011 |
Concocting Marketable Cocos
WP No.21 / 2011 |
Dual-Track Interest Rates and the Conduct of Monetary Policy in China
by Dong He and Honglin Wang
(Published in China Economic Review, Volume 23, Issue 4, December 2012, Pages 928–947)
WP No.20 / 2011 |
Sailing through this Storm? Capital Flows in Asia during the Crisis
(Published in Pacific Economic Review, Volume 17, Issue 3, pages 467–488, August 2012)
WP No.19 / 2011 |
House Price, Mortgage Premium, and Business Fluctuations
WP No.18 / 2011 |
Securitization Rating Performance and Agency Incentives
WP No.17 / 2011 |
Specification Sensitivities in Right-Tailed Unit Root Testing for Financial Bubbles
WP No.16 / 2011 |
Can Anchoring and Loss Aversion Explain the Predictability in the Housing Market?
(Published in the Pacific Economic Review, Volume 18, Issue 1, pages 41–59, February 2013)
WP No.15 / 2011 |
What Drives Urban Consumption in Mainland China? The Role of Property Price Dynamics
(Published in Pacific Economic Review, Volume 22, Issue 3, August 2017, Pages 383-409)
WP No.14 / 2011 |
Composition of International Capital Flows: A Survey
WP No.13 / 2011 |
China’s Outward Direct Investment in Africa
(Published in Review of International Economics, Volume 20, Issue 2, pages 201–220, May 2012)
WP No.12 / 2011 |
Channels of Interprovincial Risk Sharing in China
(Published in Journal of Comparative Economics, Volume 39, Issue 3, September 2011, Pages 383–405)
WP No.11 / 2011 |
Do Short Selling Restrictions Destabilize Stock Markets? Lessons from Taiwan
(Published in the Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Volume 52, Issue 2, May 2012, Pages 198–206)
WP No.10 / 2011 |
Risk Management and Managerial Efficiency in Chinese Banks: A Network DEA Framework
(Published in Omega: The International Journal of Management Science, 41 (2013), 207-215)
WP No.09 / 2011 |
How Different are FDI and FPI Flows?: Does Distance Alter the Composition of Capital Flows?
WP No.08 / 2011 |
Renminbi Going Global
(Published in China & World Economy, Volume 19, Issue 2, pages 1–18, March-April 2011)
WP No.07 / 2011 |
The Effects of Public Listing on the Performance of Banks in China
WP No.06 / 2011 |
Asian Business Cycle Synchronisation
by Dong He and Wei Liao
(Published in Pacific Economic Review, Volume 17, Issue 1, pages 106–135, February 2012.)
WP No.05 / 2011 |
The Fragility of Discretionary Liquidity Provision: Lessons from the Collapse of the Auction Rate Securities Market
WP No.04 / 2011 |
Nowcasting Chinese GDP: Information Content of Economic and Financial Data
by Matthew S. Yiu and Kenneth K. Chow
(Published in China Economic Journal, 2010, Volume 3, Issue 3, Pages 223 – 240)
WP No.03 / 2011 |
Asset Price and Monetary Policy – The Effect of Expectation Formation
WP No.02 / 2011 |
Effects of Liquidity on the Nondefault Component of Corporate Yield Spreads: Evidence from Intraday Transactions Data
WP No.01 / 2011 |
A Macro-Finance Approach to Exchange Rate Determination