22/12/2015 |
Japan’s Oligopolies: Potential Gains from Third Arrow Reforms
by Rod TYERS, Business School University of Western Australia, and Research School of Economics Australian National University
17/12/2015 |
The Great Wall of Debt: The Cross Section of Chinese Local Government Credit Spreads
by Jennie Bai, Georgetown University
09/12/2015 |
Launch of the IMF/WB Global Monitoring Report 2015/2016:Global Demographic Change and Development: New Perspectives
by Philip Schellekens, World Bank
04/12/2015 |
Self-Fulfilling Debt Crises: Can Monetary Policy Really Help?
by Eric van WINCOOP, University of Virginia
28/10/2015 |
A New Approach to the Estimation of Equilibrium Exchange Rates among East-Asian Economies
by Juan Carlos Martinez Oliva, Bank of Italy
19/10/2015 |
Foreign currency mismatches and leverage in emerging market companies
by Philip Turner, Bank for International Settlements
07/10/2015 |
The effectiveness of monetary policy in China: evidence from a Qual VAR
by Peter Tillmann, Justus‐Liebig University Giessen
23/09/2015 |
Global Dollar Liquidity and Financial Risk: Evidence from Foreign Currency Bond Issuance of China
by Yi HUANG, Graduate Institute, Geneva
11/08/2015 |
Trilemma, not Dilemma: Financial Globalisation and Monetary Policy Effectiveness
by Georgios Georgiadis, European Central Bank
30/07/2015 |
Ignorance, Debt and Financial Crises
by Tri Vi DANG, Columbia University
23/07/2015 |
Quasi-Fiscal Monetary Policy vs. Quasi-Monetary Fiscal Policy: Macroeconomics at the Zero Lower Bound
by Paul D. McNelis, Fordham University
16/07/2015 |
Financial Crises, Monetary Policy and Exchange Rate Dynamics
by Changhua Yu, University of International Business and Economics
07/07/2015 |
Credit, Collateral, and Commodity Prices
by Shaun K. Roache, International Monetary Fund
11/06/2015 |
Real Exchange Rates and Sectoral Productivity in the Eurozone
by Charles Engel, University of Wisconsin
08/05/2015 |
Reaping the Benefits from Global Value Chains in Asia
by Roberto Guimaraes, International Monetary Fund
05/05/2015 |
Credit Default Swaps and Corporate Innovation
by Sarah Wang, University of Warwick
30/04/2015 |
Exchange rates, expected returns and risk: UIP unbound
by Anella Munro, Reserve Bank of New Zealand
20/03/2015 |
Technological Progress and Ownership Structure
by Harald HAU, University of Geneva
06/03/2015 |
Monetary Policy Transmission in China: A DSGE Model with Parallel Shadow Banking and Interest Rate Control
by Michael Funke, Hamburg University
26/02/2015 |
Fiscal Policy Shocks and Real Exchange Rates
by David PARSLEY, Vanderbilt University
12/02/2015 |
The International Transmission of U.S. Monetary Policy: New Evidence from Trade Data
by Shu Lin, Fudan University
29/01/2015 |
Forecasting monetary policy decisions using forecast combinations
by Laurent Pauwels, University of Sydney
19/01/2015 |
The macroeconomic effects of housing price fluctuations in China
by LI Jianqiang, The People's Bank of China
06/01/2015 |
Systemic Risk in Commercial Bank Lending
by Harald Scheule, UTS Business School