09:40 – 10:00 |
Registration and Welcome Coffee 與會者登記及迎賓茶點
10:00 – 11:00 |
Welcoming Remarks
Enoch FUNG, Chief Executive Officer, Hong Kong Academy
of Finance and
Executive Director, Hong Kong Institute for Monetary and Financial Research
馮殷諾, 金融學院行政總裁, 香港貨幣及金融研究中心執行董事
Opening Remarks
Eddie YUE, Chief Executive, Hong Kong Monetary Authority
余偉文, 香港金融管理局總裁
Keynote Speech 主旨演講
Assessing the US and China's Industrial Policies
Shang-Jin WEI, N.T. Wang Professor of Chinese Business and Economy, Columbia
魏尚進, 哥倫比亞大學王念祖中國商業及經濟講席教授
11:30 – 13:00 |
Panel Discussion 專家討論
Recent Developments and Outlook of the Chinese Economy
Moderator: Hongyi CHEN, Hong Kong Institute for Monetary and Financial Research
主持人: 陳紅一, 香港貨幣及金融研究中心
Higher U.S. Tariffs and Supply Chain Realignment
Tao WANG, Head of Asia Economics and Chief China Economist, UBS
汪濤, 瑞銀證券亞洲經濟研究主管及首席中國經濟學家
What China Can Do to Boost Consumption?[Sildes]
Haibin ZHU, Chief China Economist, JPMorgan Chase Bank
朱海斌, 摩根大通中國首席經濟學家
Strong Exports Hide Weak Domestic Demand
Hui SHAN, Chief China Economist, Goldman Sachs
閃輝, 高盛中國首席經濟學家
China’s Potential Growth
Wenlang ZHANG, Chief Macro Analyst, CICC
張文朗, 中金公司首席宏觀分析師
13:00 –14:00 |
Conference lunch (By invitation) 午餐 (僅限受邀者)
14:00 –15:30 |
Supply Chain Realignment and China’s Export
Moderator: Michael CHENG, Hong Kong Monetary Authority
主持人: 鄭建森, 香港金融管理局
Mapping the Realignment of Global Value Chains[Paper]
Han QIU, Bank for International Settlements
邱晗, 國際結算銀行
Hyun Song SHIN, Bank for International Settlements
Leanne Si Ying ZHANG, Bank for International Settlements
Discussant: Alicia GARCÍA HERRERO, Hong Kong University of Science and
討論者: Alicia GARCÍA HERRERO, 香港科技大學
Q&A 問答環節
How did Chinese Exports Respond to US Tariffs?[Slides]
Jiafu WANG, Hong Kong Monetary Authority
王嘉夫, 香港金融管理局
Philip NG, Hong Kong Monetary Authority
Discussant: Goohoon KWON, Goldman Sachs
討論者: Goohoon KWON, 高盛
Q&A 問答環節
16:10 – 18:00 |
China’s Overseas Investment and Bank Lending
Moderator: Philip WOOLDRIDGE, Bank for International Settlements
主持人: Philip WOOLDRIDGE, 國際結算銀行
China's Manufacturing Industry Overseas Investment: Where to Go?[Paper][Slides]
Rong CAI, Peking University HSBC Business School
蔡榮, 北京大學滙豐商學院
Discussant: Alfred SCHIPKE, National University of Singapore[Slides]
討論者: Alfred SCHIPKE, 新加坡國立大學
Q&A 問答環節
Chinese Banks and their EMDE Borrowers: Have their Relationships Changed in Times of Geoeconomic
Eugenio CERUTTI, International Monetary Fund
Eugenio CERUTTI, 國際貨幣基金組織
Catherine CASANOVA, Swiss National Bank
Swapan-Kumar PRADHAN, Bank for International Settlements
Discussant: Dora XIA, Bank for International Settlements[Slides]
討論者: 夏凡, 國際結算銀行
Q&A 問答環節
18:30 |
Conference dinner (By invitation) 晚宴 (僅限受邀者)